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About Us

The first time I found myself on the yoga mat was in my mid-twenties. At first it was considered more of an athletic discipline, but from the first moment I felt that yoga gave me a sense of inner peace and that I could recharge my batteries tremendously. I was curious and tried different styles of yoga, started meditating regularly until I came to the classical and more meditative Hatha. The first time I found myself on the yoga mat was in my mid-twenties. At first it was considered more of an athletic discipline, but from the first moment I felt that yoga gave me a sense of inner peace and that I could recharge my batteries tremendously. I was curious and tried different styles of yoga, started meditating regularly until I found the classical and more meditative Hatha Yoga, which I now practice almost every day.

Now the time had come - I followed my inner call to dive deeper into yoga and completed the two-year yoga teacher training in the tradition of Swami Sivananda at Yoga Vidya / Carmen Costa in Bern / Germany.

This text has been machine translated.


Hatha Yoga


Dis­counts (e.g. stu­dents, se­niors, lo­yal­ty pro­gram­mes, etc.)
Private tu­ition
Yoga Alliance cer­ti­fied


Price per hour from CHF 25.-



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  • office address office address

    Brunnenstrasse 23 3123 Belp

  • Sonja Hostettler

  • Phone Phone
    0763... Show mobile number 076 310 38 89 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
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  • * No listing required


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* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Mon - Wed
Thur - Fr
18:30 - 19:30 opening hours
Sat - Sun
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