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BalanceIn Bewegung & Entspannung - Massage & Pilates (Sins)

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About Us

Pilates Pilates is a holistic physical training program that promotes strength, flexibility and structural balance of the body. Specific breathing and conscious movement patterns are important components of the workout.

The deep-seated, small and usually weaker muscle groups are particularly targeted, ensuring correct and healthy posture. The training includes strength exercises, stretching and conscious breathing. The goal is to strengthen the muscles and improve their endurance, improve coordination of movements and posture, stimulate blood circulation and increase awareness of the body.

The program is suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions. It also provides an optimal balance between work and everyday activities. Pilates is also ideal as a complement to competitive sports or simply for relaxation.

For different levels of training, there are different levels within the exercises, where the training can be adjusted accordingly.

My Pilates training is recognized by the BGB - Professional Association for Health and Exercise, the Emfit - the Seal of Quality for Health Promotion and the certification organization QC - QualiCert Certified Quality. Therefore, most health insurance companies contribute to the course costs through a prevention contribution. Learn more from you

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Private tu­ition


Price per hour from CHF 28.-



Location and contact

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BalanceIn Bewegung & Entspannung - Massage & Pilates

  • office address office address

    Bremgartenstrasse 3 5643 Sins

  • Karin Angele

  • Phone Phone
    0794... Show mobile number 079 440 45 71 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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